All employees should input their updated availability on Sling

Information to add:

  • Days available 

  • Time you can arrive on each day

  • Vacation days

It is a part of your job to check Sling for any updates. Request days off two weeks in advance. Once the schedule comes out it is your job to show up for your shift or to find someone to cover. 

Please submit a time off request through Sling

even if you have told Anne and she said it’s good. She will not remember, so you NEED to put it in Sling.

How to Schedule time off:

  • Open sling and go to the “Shifts” tab,

    which is located on the bottom bar,

    second from the left

  • Once on the shifts page, click the

    three dots in the top right corner

  • Select “Request time off” option that

    is now at the bottom of the screen

  • Fill out all the fields accordingly. You can either request all day or turn that off to select only a certain period of time for one day. Make sure to leave a comment as well. Once completed, hit “Save” at the top right corner.

General Info